
Showing posts from May, 2007

Pink Piggie Friends...

i've been BUSY this past week and unable to add anything new to IF. i managed to get one done for the picture-bookies showcase tho...a quickie!


Little pink piggies...can't get enough of them...more to come!



Web Page Updated!

I tried to streamline my web site a little still needs some work but I'm getting there :)

Mothers Day is Something to SING About!



SURPRISE! Josh caught a PURPLE FISH! This is the front cover for an upcoming issue of Boys Quest (theme: fishing). My nephews gave me permission to use their cool is that?! It's an honor!

The Hiding Place

I've been trying new things in Photoshop this week..messing around with different brushes to get different effects. Watercolor has always been a huge challenge for me and I don't have much confidence with it. When not working digitally, I've always had a mixed media approach to my illustrations. I used to lay down a layer of colored ink or marker before going over it in color pencils. I have a new board book to illustrate so the week of experimenting has given me a few ideas on how I might approach the coloring of the book. The Hiding Place was done (quickly!) using water color brushes and my new favorite...drippy water! My goal is to try and find a way to lay down a color wash and go over it with a brush that looks like color pencil so it looks like my traditional work used to :)

Remember those piles of leaves...
