I don't like tethered things...and thank goodness being attached to a corded device is becoming a thing of the past. Not fast enough for me, though! And, on my limited budget, I have to be creative! I have owned a Cintiq for over 3 years and, along with my 27" iMac, it is one of the best investments for my illustrating business that I have ever made. But, I'm tethered...leashed to a bunch of cumbersom cords...sigh. I have been waiting for a Wacom product that is portable...one with all of the bells and whistles my 21UX has. And Wacom finally delivered the Companion this year. It's a fantastic piece of work with a price tag to go with it. So...I set my budget and got creative. I needed a laptop, a tablet, and a portable Cintiq-like experience. I told my 2 year old Nook Tablet that our relationship was over. After much research, listing pros and cons...more research, I decided to buy an iPad Air (64GB), a wireless Apple Keyboard...