A year in review...and this message sticks...

I've tried - and then deleted all of my blog attempts that try to explain the experience of total freelancing the last year. I had been stuck in every way possible for too long so I made a decision that would force me to move. I didn't know where, or how, but I would move some place. It was a fabulous year of NOT accomplishing everything I had in my mind to do. Looking back, it was a year of foundation building for the years ahead and what those years may bring. Good and bad. Big and small. Sweet and the not so sweet. I had to yank on the bootstraps I didn't know I owned to get to the other side. It was hard. I wanted to quit more than I dare to admit. But, I learned to lean in and rely on God so much more that I ever had. I learned to trust in areas that I normally wouldn't have. The last year left something deeper and more meaningful in my soul that only stepping out and away could bring. Thank you to my hubby...the l...