Embracing the interruptions

All writers and artists need space...a quiet place to create...right? I don't know about you, but that rarely happens at my house. And that's okay. Through the years, I have shared my studio space with the most important people, and pets, in my life. Each conversation, every interruption, the floating pet hair and dust bunnies...they are moments that inspire and make this illustrator's heart happy and full. Some of my favorite memories are when my daughter was a teenager...she would come in to my studio, flop down on the floor, and start telling me about her day. One day, I hope to live close enough and let my future grand-kiddos (or her) do the same. I always find the quiet spaces when I need them, but for now, I'll embrace the snoring dog and count my life blessed. My art is, after all, a reflection of my heart. Let's keep it happy.