Christmas is here!

It's been very busy the past few weeks...but sooo much fun! I apologize for not posting so I decided to "gift wrap" everything into one post!
Thanksgiving was great when my daughter visited. We did alot of shopping, talking, coffee drinking, art chat, and we even did Black Friday shopping (including a trip out at midnight!). It was crazy-fun...well...maybe just crazy...but with her I had fun! My stepson also came for a few days and it was nice.
On December 1st, Danville had it's first night-time Christmas Parade. It's our second Christmas in Danville, VA and very special because we finally feel settled. I was one of 3 judges for marching units in the parade...they were amazing! The floats were spectacular and everyone had a wonderful time. My stepson was here with us and he enjoyed it, too. I can't remember ever seeing a small town parade so it was a first for me, too (and I had great seats!). I love small town living - everyone knows everyone else :)
This weekend we are leaving for Winchester, VA to visit my parents and go to our family Christmas dinner. It will be my husbands first time (been married since 8/2005) attending. It will be great to see everyone again!
Artwork has been steady going...yay! I've got our Christmas Cards done - and early, too! I'm going to try and find time for IF and PB this coming week. It helps balance the hectic days!
My stepson and I made Snowmen Bells last weekend (Picture). We used supplies on hand but they still turned out cute! He took his home to his mom and sister.
This time of year...when everything moves fast and starts to blur...take a moment to sit still and remember all that you have to be thankful for. Give to those in need...a little bit can be a big smile to someone on Christmas morning.
Time to get to work and wrap some gifts...happy shopping to everyone!